Let's be
First in 24hrs

Trademark applications are the fastest in Korea.
Being the first to apply for a trademark means becoming the first brand.
Be the first rather than the best.

Finance App

Only 24hrs

24 hours is enough to complete the application. 
New applications are limited to Friday mornings, Korean time.


The entire process is automated and conducted online.

Experience flawless reporting and progress without mistakes.

Up to $240

$240 is enough to get Trademark.

Additionally, You need to pay

the official fee to KIPO.
Of course you can also pay through us.

Girl with a laptop

Be The First Brand in Korea. Wherever You Are.

Don't worry about losing your brand to someone else.

Just be the first.

This Is What We Offer


$ 600

$ 530


1 cases

For individuals and small teams just getting started with Mark24.


  • Creating applicant number in Korea
  • Fiiling a trademark in 24hrs
         (after creating applicant number)
  • 10 goods or services
  • not included Official fee
  • not included response for OA




$ 420

$ 350


5 cases at a time

billd as $1,750

For small businesses looking for Korea IP lawfirm and access our full IP services.


  • Creating applicant number in Korea
  • Fiiling a trademark in 24hrs
         (after creating applicant number)
  • 10 goods or services
  • not included Official fee
  • included revision for OA
  • not included opinion response for OA




$ 300

$ 240


10 cases at a time

billed as $2,400

For organizations and IP businesses, as well as Trademark priority support and IP services

  • Creating applicant number in Korea
  • Fiiling a trademark in 24hrs
         (after creating applicant number)
  • 10 goods or services
  • not included Official fee
  • included revision for OA
  • not included opinion response for OA


We have many partners in the world.
Therefore, you can apply for a trademark wherever you want based on the Korean trademark.
If you have an address in Korea, you can also apply through the Madrid system.
It is possible to file an international application based on a trademark applied domestically.
Because all work is done with AI, reasonable costs are guaranteed.


I'm an image

Search prior trademark

"Global trademark search, focus on Chinese characters, IP system connections.".

I'm an image

Trademark invalid

"Unused trademarks face easy cancellation after three years, with evidence required."

I'm an image

Trademark dispute

"Send warning letter for brand use, resolve trademark disputes swiftly."

Don't forget to be the first!
your brand can become a top brand

People always remember the first rather than the best. Now it's your turn to be first. Don't forget to be the first.


If you would like to do IP business with us,
Please contact us for more deals.
We can give you a more attractive offer.


©2023 All rights reserved.

